1. The first day of spring is here...do you enjoy working in the yard?
Weeding, raking, mowing, planting-your favorite springtime garden chore? How
about your least favorite?
I enjoy mowing, and watering, and planting. I am not a huge fan of weeding. I think that's because our weeds are out of control here, they are so tough weed spray won't kill them, I actually have to scrape all of our rocks away and take a flame thrower to the roots to kill them.
2. What puts a spring in your step?
Music, always.
3. Describe a time when you had to spring into action?
Like an emergency situation? I am very thankful to say that I have never been presented with an emergency situation where I had to jump in and help. It's a great thing to be able to say. If you are talking about a time that someone called me at the last possible second to plan/take over something that they should have finished long ago and now they need em to do it for them? Too many times to count.
4. We're having carrots for dinner...would you prefer yours raw or
Raw. I do like a good honey glazed carrot at Easter with the salty ham, but any other time I want my carrots raw.
5. Do you take the shampoos and other sundries from your hotel room when
its time to check out?
Only if I have used them. I am pretty picky about my body products, and I keep full sized stuff at my house for guests. So if I haven't needed to use the product at the hotel I leave it there.
6. What's the most enjoyable team or club you've belonged to and what was
it that made it so?

7. Is cloning a sign of progress?
No. It's a sign of increased knowledge but not progress.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
It's almost a new month and I have created a new workout challenge. Come join in! If you are on Facebook you can join in our support group for the challenge. I will post the day's challenge each morning as well as other fun stuff about health and fitness as I come across it. The group is still under the name Muscular Arms March right now, but I will be changing it on the first to Arms n' Abs April. Here is the link to my blog post about it. I will be posting videos and/or pictures of each exercise just to help anyone who isn't sure how they work.