2. Speaking of birds...do you tweet? If so tell us your screen name and
we'll come flocking to your Twitter site. Even if you don't let's all pretend
here that we do-in 140 characters or less, sum up your week so far. Yes and no, I have one, but I don't remember the password, so obviously it isn't worth visiting.
Preparations for traveling seem to have taken over my world. PCS, birthday, youth trips, Oh my.
3. Its been reported recently that employers are not only viewing the
facebook pages of potential hires but they're also requesting your facebook
password to have a look at what you've kept from public view. What say
you? I say that I will not allow that, not for my privacy but for my friends and family. Allowing my employer to access my account to research me is one thing, giving them access to all of the friends who trust me is entirely a different thing. I have a lot of friends who have blocked the most of everything about them from Facebook for very important reasons and violating the trust that they have put in me to keep their lives private isn't worth a job.
4. It's April and you know what that means-Major League Baseball is back in
action. What's your favorite baseball movie? If that's too hard, what's your
favorite sports themed movie? Angels in the Outfield.
5. Something else this season brings-asparagus. Yes please or no thanks? If
it's yes please what's your favorite way to have it prepared? Yes please, in any way you want to serve it to me. I even like it canned and cold, which I can't say for any other veggie.
6. What drives you? (Don't you love how I sandwiched that one in between
asparagus and jugglers???) Hmmm, I don't know. Strange, I know what doesn't, but I can't tell you what does.
7. April 18th is International Jugglers Day...can you juggle? No, Not for lack of trying, mostly for lack of the ability to catch well.
8. Insert your own random thought here. As you can tell from my tweet, we are getting ready to travel a lot, I'm really excited. The hubs is going to California with a group of more than 20 middle and high schoolers with our church and that's awesome. The girls and I get to go to Flagstaff for a girls weekend for a Tea Party and my Mom's birthday, then we will be at less than 40 days until we move. It's coming up fast.