Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Summery Hodgepodge

1. What is a pet peeve you have when vacationing?

It has been a very long time since I vacationed, so I am having a hard time coming up with anything.

2. Would you describe yourself as a light packer or do you need everything in your closet plus the kitchen sink?

I am an OCD packer. I pack by list and event and weather. I pre-plan everything down to the earrings. So I guess I would be a light packer.

3. What's the best lesson a child ever taught you?

Being silly is an essential part of life.

4. Share one piece of advice you'd give a recent graduate as they attempt to enter the job market?

Look for your perfect job, but don't be so picky that you miss an opportunity for something different that might be better.

5. What's your favorite lemon something?

EVERYTHING! Lemon desserts are my favorite, lemon food is pretty high up there too.

6. Flat sandal, wedge, heel...your favorite footwear?

Flip-flop or wedge. Easier to run in.

7. What do you like best about a beach holiday? If you're not a beach lover (GASP!!) what do you dislike the least?

The sound of the ocean and the way people are always so much nicer when they are near the water.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Unless I can figure out how to do this from my smart phone this will be my last hodgepodge for a while. And the next one will be from Missouri!