Tuesday, March 27, 2012


1. What's the last job you did that required elbow grease?

Elbow Grease.... I would say that the last time I needed the extra umph while cleaning something would have been when I disassembled and cleaned out the deep fryer to sell it. It was pretty clean for personal use, but not clean enough to sell, that cleaning required a lot of scrubbing. I am sure I will be using it a lot more in the near future as we get ready to move.

2. March Madness, aka the men's Division I basketball championship, is nearing an end. What sort of 'madness' has your house seen this month?

Definitely none of the basketball sort. We don't watch at all. So other types of madness. Well getting ready for a PCS is always full of all sorts of random madness. No matter how many times we have done this something always comes up that we never anticipated.

3. What's your favorite shop for browsing?
To walk around slowly and just take stuff in? Target? LOL, I don't know. I am not a huge browsing shopper, I love Cost Plus World Market for all of the fun stuff, I love Williams Sonoma because I am a huge kitchen gadget fan. I guess I would say I love to wonder home goods and decorating stores to get ideas.

4. Is there ever a time when giving up makes sense?
Absolutely. Giving up is sometimes the best decision to make for you and those who you love, I think that sometimes it takes more effort to give up gracefully than it does to keep pushing on.

5. What's a song you love that contains the name of a city, state or country in its title?
Chattanooga Choo Choo.

6. When did you first begin using a computer?

Let's see. I am a product of the computer generation, so I have been using a computer for almost as long as I can remember. I didn't have one at 2.... I do know that by the time I was in 1st grade I was using one at school, and that we had one at home when I was in elementary school. I remember getting my first e-mail account when I was 13-14 which was around 1995. So I've always had a computer, however I am not a computer expert, knowing the how's and why's has never interested me.

7. Did you buy girl scout cookies this year? What's your favorite?

Oh yes, my favorite is either Thin Mints, Tagalongs (Peanut Butter Patties) , or the new Lemon ones that we tried this year.

8. Insert your own random thought here

Two things. You still have time to join in the April Arms and Abs challenge.

Second I am going to do a Photo a day challenge for April. I am already doing the 365 photo challenge, but this one gives me a specific prompt for each day. So hopefully it's a lot of fun.  


  1. Ooh...I could go crazy in Williams-Sonoma! Thin Mints has my vote, too! Hope you have a super day!

  2. Target was my shopping answer too. Can't go wrong with Target.
    The Lemon girl scout cookies are delicious, but I am the only one in my family who liked them. Oh well, more for ME!

  3. Enjoyed reading this! Blessings.

  4. We don't have a Target here - wish we did.

  5. I like the sound of Tagalong cookies. I wish we had them here in the UK!

  6. MMM, lemon cookies...even more reason to try extra hard to search out the girl scouts next year!
    I will go check out the workout challenge...that sounds like it might be just what I need.

    1. I hope you join us with the workout challenge, it's designed to be ok for anyone to do in 10-15 minutes a day, so a good starting point if you aren't doing anything or a good extra push if you are.

  7. Oh, how I love Target... I miss Target... is it bad that I actually look to see where the closest one is to where we are going to live every time we PCS? :-)

    1. The fact that I will be 45 minutes away from one starting in June is seriously my biggest worry about this PCS. Sad but true. We also look up Chick-fil-a, and Cracker Barrel when we move.

  8. Great song choice. I played it and my daughter got up and started dancing :)

  9. I LOVE Chattanooga Choo Choo, especially that version. I love that movie and I'm a huge Glenn miller fan!

    (Jealous of your GS cookies!)

  10. You're ambitious with your photo challenges...good luck.
    Oh and your browsing answer...kitchen gadgets....ever think of making a comedy and call it "Home Improvement DD style"?

    Thin mint cookies seem to be a favorite for most, but I too like the lemon...in fact, ANYthing lemon.

  11. I LOVE Target! I forgot about Target! I love walking around and looking at stuff. And decorating stores and such do give really good ideas. yup.

  12. I've said this before but I really wish I had the motivation to do workout like you do. Good luck with the photo challenge!


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