Monday, January 19, 2009

A few thoughts

My journey to establishing myself as a domestic diva is full of ups and downs already. There are days when I get things done so quickly and easily that I begin to wonder why I never did this before. Then there are days when I get so far behind that I wonder if this is a totally futile effort. I am sure that these ups and downs are a part of the process. My hope is that the good days begin to out number the bad, that they begin to take over.

Things that I have learned this week. Large projects are fun, but they need to be taken with caution. When you want to do a big project you need to not only think about whether or not you have the time to complete the project, but if you have the time to complete the project while still doing your normal goals. When I was done with the projects I looked up to realize that I had let the house go. I had been so involved in these extras that I forgot to keep up with the normal.

So my mistakes are your learning experience. Have a wonderful domestic week.


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