Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Hodgepodge

1. Let's start with something controversial...dressing or stuffing? What's it called at your house and what's included in your recipe...cornbread? oysters? sausage? chestnuts?

I call it stuffing but I never ever stuff it into the bird. My recipe is a basic cornbread and herb that has been in my family for YEARS.

2. Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?

Everyone. I am a comparer and frequently find myself lacking. I'm working on it, but it is a huge struggle for me.
3. When were you last inside an airport?

When the whole family was coming home from a Spring Break trip to South Carolina. The trip home was good, but the trip there was an....adventure.
4. What is one side dish that absolutely must be included in a turkey dinner?

See question 1. Stuffing, absolutely without a doubt. I could go without anything else but just stuffing and turkey.
5. What Christmas song do you dread hearing?

Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer..... my husband loves it.... I hate it.
6. If someone approaches you and asks for money do you give it to them? Do you drop money 'in a tin cup' that belongs to a person on the street? Do you have a specific charity you support during the holiday season and/or year round?

Sometimes, it will depend on where they are, and how often I see them there and how they ask and what I have. I also have given food and other stuff too. I support Salvation Army, and usually the Angel Tree program, and the Shoeboxes that get sent to Africa. We also usually adopt an Airmen who cannot get home to be with family.
7. Share a favorite Thanksgiving memory. If you live in a country that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving share a favorite memory associated with food.

I loved the fancy Thanksgivings that we had with my Dad's family when I was growing up. Something about being trusted with china and crystal at the age of 6 makes you feel really special and important.
8. Insert your own random thought here.

So many thoughts so little time. :-) We are hosting a multi family Thanksgiving dinner here this year. I am not very stressed at all and that is sort of scaring me.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! My kids feel the same way whenever I pour Martinellis into wine glasses for them... too funny!

  2. I think that is so neat that you felt special being served out of China and Crystal. Makes me feel badly that my children can hardly remember a time that I pulled out the "fine stuff" and used it. Maybe I still have time. :o)

    Blessings for a great Thanksgiving!


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