Diva Days of the Week.
After test driving the old Diva Days of the Week for a while, and participating in a few blogging challenges I have made some changes to the Diva Days of the Week. I feel like this new group will continue to challenge me on a daily basis both as a person and as a blogger, while also sticking to the purpose of this blog and allowing me to have some free time. I have a tendency to over commit myself sometimes and things fall by the way side. So you will see some new things and some old ones and hopefully this list of Days will better serve both me and you!
Make-up Monday - This one stays the same, I will be reserving Mondays for anything that got ignored or forgotten the week before to give me a clean start.
Fitness Tuesdays - I will start sharing some of the things that I am doing in my life to improve my overall fitness level.
Hodepodge Wednesdays - I will continue to join in the Hodgepodge Wednesday fun! I am enjoying it!
Tasty Thursday - I will be challenging myself to share at least one new recipe a week. I will get these together and up on Thursdays.
Clean it Up Fridays - On Fridays I will be sharing some of my favorite cleaning and organizing tips with you , as well as concentrating on getting my house weekend ready with a good cleaning.
Family Saturdays - This is a day for family. I will be sharing some of the things that we do as a family to stay connected, not only in my immediate family, but with our family that is far away as well.
Take it off Sunday! - Get your mind out of the gutter! This will be my free day, my day off. Everyone needs a day of rest.
This sounds like a great plan. I'm so glad I found your blog. I'm stopping by from the A to Z challenge and I look forward to visiting again.